• dr Eligiusz Szełęg

Position: adiunkt
Unit: Instytut Nauk o Ziemi
Adress: 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Będzińska 60
Floor: XI
Room: 1114
Phone: (32) 3689 593
E-mail: eligiusz.szeleg@us.edu.pl
Publications list: Publications by CINiBA
Publications list: Publications by OPUS
Scopus Author ID: 6505729988

Publications from the Scopus database


Pieczka, A.; Stachowicz, M.; Zelek-Pogudz, S.; Gołębiowska, B.; Sek, M. P.; Nejbert, K.; Kotowski, J.; Marciniak-Maliszewska, B.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Stadnicka, K.; Woźniak, K. W.

Scandio-winchite, ideally□(NaCa)(Mg4Sc)(Si8O22)(OH)2: The first Sc-dominant amphibole-supergroup mineral from Jordanów Śląski, Lower Silesia, southwestern Poland Journal Article

In: American Mineralogist, vol. 109, no. 5, pp. 940-948, 2024, ISSN: 0003004X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Kristiansen, R.; Stachowicz, M.; Dumańska-Słowik, M.; Gołeȩbiowska, B.; Sek, M. P.; Nejbert, K.; Kotowski, J.; Marciniak-Maliszewska, B.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Woźniak, K. W.

Heflikite, ideally Ca 2 (Al 2 Sc)(Si 2 O 7)(SiO 4)O(OH), the first scandium epidote-supergroup mineral from Jordanów Ślaȩski, Lower Silesia, Poland and from Heftetjern, Tordal, Norway Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 228-243, 2024, ISSN: 0026461X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Szełęg, E.; Janeczek, J.; Juroszek, R.; Danila, M.

Mimetite and polymineralic mimetite-pyromorphite-vanadinite single crystals from the Sowie Mts, Poland Journal Article

In: Mineralogia, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 48-59, 2024, ISSN: 18998291, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Stachowicz, M.; Zelek-Pogudz, S.; Gołębiowska, B.; Sek, M. P.; Nejbert, K.; Kotowski, J.; Marciniak-Maliszewska, B.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Stadnicka, K.; Woźniak, K. W.

Scandian actinolite from Jordanów Slaski, Lower Silesia, Poland: Compositional evolution, crystal structure, and genetic Implications Journal Article

In: American Mineralogist, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 174-183, 2024, ISSN: 0003004X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Ciesielczuk, J.; Dulski, M.; Janeczek, J.; Krzykawski, T.; Kusz, J.; Szełęg, E.

Crystal chemistry of an erythrite-köttigite solid solution (Co3–xznx) (aso4)2·8h2o Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1-25, 2020, ISSN: 2075163X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kruszewski, Ł.; Świerk, M.; Siuda, R.; Szełęg, E.; Marciniak-Maliszewska, B.

Third worldwide occurrence of juangodoyite, Na2Cu(Co3)2, and other secondary Na, Cu, Mg, and Ca minerals in the fore-sudetic monocline (lower silesia, SW Poland) Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020, ISSN: 2075163X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cabała, J.; Warchulski, R.; Rozmus, D.; Środek, D.; Szełęg, E.

Pb-rich slags, minerals, and pollution resulted from a medieval ag-pb smelting and mining operation in the silesian-cracovian region (Southern Poland) Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, ISSN: 2075163X, (21).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Grabas, K.; Pawełczyk, A.; Stręk, W.; Szełęg, E.; Stręk, S.

Study on the Properties of Waste Apatite Phosphogypsum as a Raw Material of Prospective Applications Journal Article

In: Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 3143-3155, 2019, ISSN: 18772641, (21).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Nejbert, K.

Calcium minerals and late-stage ca-metasomatism in the Julianna pegmatitic system, the Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 775-777, 2019, ISSN: 00084476, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Szuszkiewicz, A.; Pieczka, A.; Gadas, P.; Vašinová-Galiová, M.; Szełęg, E.; Ebiowska, B. Goł; Galusková, D.

First occurrence of Mn-dominant cordierite-group mineral: Electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS study Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 807-810, 2019, ISSN: 00084476, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Szuszkiewicz, A.; Pieczka, A.; Gołębiowska, B.; Dumańska-Słowik, M.; Marszałek, M.; Szełęg, E.

Chemical composition of Mn-and Cl-rich apatites from the szklary pegmatite, central sudetes, SW Poland: Taxonomic and genetic implications Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 8, no. 8, 2018, ISSN: 2075163X, (7).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Gołębiowska, B.; Jeleń, P.; Włodek, A.; Szełęg, E.; Szuszkiewicz, A.

Towards zn-dominant tourmaline: A case of zn-rich fluor-elbaite and elbaite from the julianna system at Piława Górna, Lower Silesia, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 8, no. 4, 2018, ISSN: 2075163X, (5).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Ertl, A.; Sek, M. P.; Twardak, D.; Zelek, S.; Szełęg, E.; Giester, G.

Oxy-dravite from Wołowa Góra Mountain, Karkonosze massif, SW Poland: Crystallochemical and structural studies Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 913-928, 2018, ISSN: 0026461X, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Janeczek, J.; Szełęg, E.; Szopa, K.; Szuszkiewicz, A.

Pegmatyty Norwegii - 8. Miȩdzynarodowe Sympozjum (PEG2017) na temat pegmatytów granitowych Kristiansand, Norwegia, 13-15.06.2017 Journal Article

In: Przeglad Geologiczny, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 1443-1445, 2017, ISSN: 00332151.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Ma, C.; Rossman, G. R.; Szełęg, E.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Turniak, K.; Nejbert, K.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Buffat, P.; Rutkowski, B.

Zabińskiite, ideally Ca(Al0.5Ta0.5)(SiO4)O, a new mineral of the titanite group from the Piława Górna pegmatite, the Góry Sowie Block, southwestern Poland Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 591-610, 2017, ISSN: 0026461X, (5).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Szełęg, E.; Zuzens, B.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Pieczka, A.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Turniak, K.; Nejbert, K.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Friis, H.; Makovicky, E.; Weller, M. T.; Lemée-Cailleau, M. H.

Bohseite, ideally Ca4Be4Si9O24(OH)4, from the Piława GóRNA quarry, the Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 35-46, 2017, ISSN: 0026461X, (7).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Szuszkiewicz, A.; Pieczka, A.; Szełęg, E.; Turniak, K.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Nejbert, K.

The euxenite-group minerals and products of their alteration in the hybrid julianna granitic pegmatite, piława gò RNA, sudetes, southwestern Poland Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 879-898, 2016, ISSN: 00084476, (5).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gadas, P.; Novák, M.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Vašinová-Galiová, M.; Haifler, J.

Magnesium-rich na,be,li-rich sekaninaite from miarolitic pegmatite at zimnik, strzegom-sobó tka massif, sudetes, Poland Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 971-987, 2016, ISSN: 00084476, (8).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Szełęg, E.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Gołębiowska, B.; Zelek, S.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Nejbert, K.; Turniak, K.

Cs-bearing beryl evolving to pezzottaite from the julianna pegmatitic system, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 115-124, 2016, ISSN: 00084476, (4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Pieczka, A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Cooper, M. A.; Szełęg, E.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Turniak, K.; Nejbert, K.; Ilnicki, S. S.

Pilawite-(Y), Ca2(Y,Yb)2[Al4(SiO4)4O2(OH)2], a new mineral from the Piława GóRNA granitic pegmatite, southwestern Poland: Mineralogical data, crystal structure and association Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 1143-1157, 2015, ISSN: 0026461X, (8).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Pieczka, A.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Nejbert, K.; Turniak, K.

Samarskite-group minerals and alteration products: An example from the Julianna pegmatitic system, Piława Górna, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 303-319, 2014, ISSN: 00084476, (12).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Pieczka, A.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Nejbert, K.; Turniak, K.; Banach, M.; Łodziński, M.; Rózniak, R.; Michałowski, P.

The Julianna pegmatite vein system at the Piława Górna Mine, Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland - Preliminary data on geology and descriptive mineralogy Journal Article

In: Geological Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 467-484, 2013, ISSN: 16417291, (24).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pieczka, A.; Szuszkiewicz, A.; Szełęg, E.; Nejbert, K.; Łodziński, M.; Ilnicki, S. S.; Turniak, K.; Banach, M.; Hołub, W.; Michałowski, P.; Rózniak, R.

(Fe,Mn)-(Ti,Sn)-(Nb,Ta) oxide assemblage in a little fractionated portion of a mixed (NYF + LCT) pegmatite from Piława Górna, the Sowie Mts. block, SW Poland Journal Article

In: Journal of Geosciences (Czech Republic), vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 91-112, 2013, ISSN: 18026222, (17).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Szełęg, E.; Janeczek, J.; Metelski, P.

Native selenium as a byproduct of microbial oxidation of distorted pyrite crystals: The first occurrence in the Carpathians Journal Article

In: Geologica Carpathica, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 231-236, 2013, ISSN: 13350552, (4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Marynowski, L.; Szełęg, E.; Jędrysek, M. O.; Simoneit, B. R. T.

Effects of weathering on organic matter. Part II: Fossil wood weathering and implications for organic geochemical and petrographic studies. Journal Article

In: Organic Geochemistry, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1076-1088, 2011, ISSN: 01466380, (40).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Janeczek, J.; Szełęg, E.; Rózniak, R.

V international symposium on granitic pegmatites - Mendoza, Argentina, 20-23.02.2011 [V miȩdzynarodowe sympozjum na temat pegmatytów granitowych Mendoza, Argentyna, 20-23.02.2011] Proceedings

vol. 59, no. 5, 2011, ISSN: 00332151.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Bzowska, G.; Galuskina, I. O.; Gałuskin, E.; Szełęg, E.

Preliminary data on blue celestine from Krasiejów, SW Poland [Wstȩpne dane o niebieskim celestynie z Krasiejowa] Journal Article

In: Przeglad Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 214-215, 2004, ISSN: 00332151, (3).

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