• mgr Sylwia Skreczko

Position: asystent
Unit: Instytut Nauk o Ziemi
Adress: 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Będzińska 60
Floor: X
Room: 1022
Phone: (32) 3689 483
E-mail: sylwia.skreczko@us.edu.pl
Publications list: Publications by CINiBA
Publications list: Publications by OPUS
Scopus Author ID: 57191645963

Publications from the Scopus database


Nadłonek, W.; Skreczko, S.; Naglik, B.

Chemical weathering indices in contrasting fluvial systems: a comparative study from the Lublin Upland and the Sudetes Mountains in Poland Journal Article

In: Geological Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 3, 2024, ISSN: 16417291, (0).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Skreczko, S.; Szymczyk, A.; Szopa, K.; Nadłonek, W.

Early medieval human–environment interaction in the context of changes in the hydrological regime in the Upper Vistula valley (Central Europe) Journal Article

In: Geoarchaeology, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 199-219, 2023, ISSN: 08836353.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Skreczko, S.; Szymczyk, A.; Nadłonek, W.

Impacts of vegetation and palaeohydrological changes on the n-alkane composition of a Holocene peat sequence from the Upper Vistula Valley (southern Poland) Journal Article

In: Journal of Soils and Sediments, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 2709-2718, 2021, ISSN: 14390108, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rahmonov, O.; Skreczko, S.; Rahmonov, M.

Changes in soil features and phytomass during vegetation succession in sandy areas Journal Article

In: Land, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1-25, 2021, ISSN: 2073445X, (4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Szopa, K.; Krzykawski, T.; Banasik, K.; Król, P.; Skreczko, S.; Mounteanou, S. A.; Koziarska, M.

Empa, xrd, and raman characterization of ag-bearing djurleite from the lubin mine, lower silesia, Poland Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 11, no. 5, 2021, ISSN: 2075163X, (3).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Szopa, K.; Skreczko, S.; Chew, D.; Krzykawski, T.; Szymczyk, A.

Multi-tool (LA-ICPMS, EMPA and XRD) investigation on heavy minerals from selected holocene peat-bog deposits from the upper vistula River Valley, Poland Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, ISSN: 2075163X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Skreczko, S.; Mazurek, K.; Środek, D.; Glazer, M.

Geosymposium of young researches "Silesia 2016" Kroczyce, 31.08-02.09.2016 Proceedings

Polish Geological Institute, vol. 64, no. 10, 2016, ISSN: 00332151.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pala, P.; Skreczko, S.; Szymczyk, A.; Nita, M.

Habitat conditions and plants of the peatland "rotuz" (Upper Vistula Basin) [Warunki siedliskowe i roślinność torfowiska "rotuz" (Dolina Górnej Wisły)] Journal Article

In: Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 39-56, 2016, ISSN: 1640629X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Trzęsiok, D.; Wieczorek, A.; Brachaniec, T.; Leśko, K.; Brom, K. R.; Skreczko, S.

Oxfordian cryptic fauna from the neptunian dikes of Poland Journal Article

In: Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen, vol. 281, no. 1, pp. 95-100, 2016, ISSN: 00777749, (1).

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