• dr Rafał Juroszek

Stanowisko: adiunkt
Jednostka: Wydział Nauk Przyrodniczych
Adres: 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Będzińska 60
Piętro: laboratorium
Numer pokoju: 020
Telefon: (32) 3689 689
E-mail: rafal.juroszek@us.edu.pl
Spis publikacji: Spis wg CINiBA
Spis publikacji: Spis wg OPUS
Scopus Author ID: 57195927795

Publikacje z bazy Scopus


Szełęg, E.; Janeczek, J.; Juroszek, R.; Danila, M.

Mimetite and polymineralic mimetite-pyromorphite-vanadinite single crystals from the Sowie Mts, Poland Journal Article

In: Mineralogia, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 48-59, 2024, ISSN: 18998291.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Juroszek, R.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, B.; Krüger, H.; Vapnik, Y.; Kahlenberg, V.; Galuskin, E. V.

Minerals with a palmierite-type structure. Part I. Mazorite Ba3(PO4)2, a new mineral from the Hatrurim Complex in Israel Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 679-689, 2023, ISSN: 0026461X, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Juroszek, R.; Krüger, B.; Krüger, H.; Galuskina, I. O.

Minerals with a palmierite-type structure. Part II. Nomenclature and classification of the palmierite supergroup. Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 690-694, 2023, ISSN: 0026461X, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Skrzyńska, K.; Cametti, G.; Juroszek, R.; Schofer, C.; Galuskina, I. O.

New data on minerals with the GIS framework-type structure: Gismondine-Sr from the Bellerberg volcano, Germany, and amicite and Ba-rich gismondine from the Hatrurim Complex, Israel Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 443-454, 2023, ISSN: 0026461X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Czaja, M. B.; Lisiecki, R.; Juroszek, R.; Krzykawski, T.

Luminescence properties of tetrahedral coordinated mn2+; genthelvite and willemite examples Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 11, no. 11, 2021, ISSN: 2075163X, (3).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Juroszek, R.; Krüger, B.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, H.; Vapnik, Y.; Galuskin, E. V.

Siwaqaite, Ca6Al2(CrO4)3(OH)12·26H2O, a new mineral of the ettringite group from the pyrometamorphic Daba-Siwaqa complex, Jordan Journal Article

In: American Mineralogist, vol. 105, no. 3, pp. 409-421, 2020, ISSN: 0003004X, (6).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Juroszek, R.; Czaja, M. B.; Lisiecki, R.; Krüger, B.; Hachuła, B.; Galuskina, I. O.

Spectroscopic and structural investigations of blue afwillite from Ma'ale Adummim locality, Palestinian Autonomy Journal Article

In: Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 227, 2020, ISSN: 13861425, (5).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Juroszek, R.; Krüger, B.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, H.; Tribus, M.; Kürsten, C.

Raman spectroscopy and single-crystal high-temperature investigations of bentorite, Ca6Cr2(SO4)3(OH)12∙26H2O Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, ISSN: 2075163X, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Juroszek, R.; Krüger, B.; Banasik, K.; Vapnik, Y.; Galuskina, I. O.

Raman spectroscopy and structural study of baryte-hashemite solid solution from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Israel Journal Article

In: Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 205, pp. 582-592, 2018, ISSN: 13861425, (4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Środek, D.; Juroszek, R.; Krüger, H.; Krüger, B.; Galuskina, I. O.; Gazeev, V. M.

New occurrence of rusinovite, Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2: Composition, structure and Raman data of rusinovite from Shadil-Khokh volcano, South Ossetia and Bellerberg Volcano, Germany Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 8, no. 9, 2018, ISSN: 2075163X, (4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Juroszek, R.; Krüger, H.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, B.; Jeżak, L.; Ternes, B.; Wojdyla, J. A.; Krzykawski, T.; Pautov, L.; Galuskin, E. V.

Sharyginite, Ca3TiFe2O8a new mineral from the bellerberg Volcano, Germany Journal Article

In: Minerals, vol. 8, no. 7, 2018, ISSN: 2075163X, (5).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Galuskina, I. O.; Galuskin, E. V.; Prusik, K.; Vapnik, Y.; Juroszek, R.; Jeżak, L.; Murashko, M. N.

Dzierżanowskite, CaCu2S2 - A new natural thiocuprate from Jabel Harmun, Judean Desert, Palestine Autonomy, Israel Journal Article

In: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 1073-1085, 2017, ISSN: 0026461X, (7).

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