• dr hab. Agnieszka Janiak

Stanowisko: Profesor Uczelni
Jednostka: Wydział Nauk Przyrodniczych
Adres: 40-032 Katowice, ul. Jagiellońska 28
Piętro: II
Numer pokoju: C-246
Telefon: (32) 2009 360
E-mail: agnieszka.janiak@us.edu.pl
Spis publikacji: Spis wg CINiBA
Spis publikacji: Spis wg OPUS
Scopus Author ID: 14041520900

Publikacje z bazy Scopus


Jöst, M.; Soltani, O.; Kappel, C. D.; Janiak, A.; Chmielewska, B.; Szurman-Zubrzycka, M. E.; McKim, S. M.; Lenhard, M.

The gain-of-function mutation blf13 in the barley orthologue of the rice growth regulator NARROW LEAF1 is associated with increased leaf width Journal Article

In: Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 850-867, 2024, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Aghdam, S. Mohammadi; Mandoulakani, B. Abdollahi; Rossini, L.; Janiak, A.; Shaaf, S.

Identification of novel plant architecture mutants in barley Journal Article

In: Cereal Research Communications, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 179-189, 2022, ISSN: 01333720.

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Rotasperti, L.; Tadini, L.; Chiara, M.; Crosatti, C.; Guerra, D.; Tagliani, A.; Forlani, S.; Ezquer, I.; Horner, D. S.; Jahns, P.; Gajek, K.; García, A.; Savin, R.; Rossini, L.; Tondelli, A.; Janiak, A.; Pesaresi, P.

The barley mutant happy under the sun 1 (hus1): An additional contribution to pale green crops Journal Article

In: Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 196, 2022, ISSN: 00988472, (2).

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Gajek, K.; Janiak, A.; Korotko, U.; Chmielewska, B.; Marzec, M.; Szarejko, I.

Whole exome sequencing-based identification of a novel gene involved in root hair development in barley (Hordeum vulgare l.) Journal Article

In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 22, no. 24, 2021, ISSN: 16616596, (1).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sieprawska, A.; Skórka, M.; Bednarska-Kozakiewicz, E.; Niedojadło, K.; Janiak, A.; Telk, A.; Filek, M.

Significance of selenium supplementation in root- shoot reactions under manganese stress in wheat seedlings – biochemical and cytological studies Journal Article

In: Plant and Soil, vol. 468, no. 1-2, pp. 389-410, 2021, ISSN: 0032079X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Daszkowska-Golec, A.; Collin, A.; Sitko, K.; Janiak, A.; Kalaji, H. M.; Szarejko, I.

Genetic and physiological dissection of photosynthesis in barley exposed to drought stress Journal Article

In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 20, no. 24, 2019, ISSN: 16616596, (16).

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Janiak, A.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Sowa, M.; Kuczyńska, A.; Mikołajczak, K.; Ogrodowicz, P.; Szarejko, I.

Insights into barley root transcriptome under mild drought stress with an emphasis on gene expression regulatory mechanisms Journal Article

In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 20, no. 24, 2019, ISSN: 16616596, (13).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Majka, J.; Bzdęga, K.; Janiak, A.; Ćwiek-Kupczyńska, H.; Krajewski, P.; Ksiązczyk, T.; Zwierzykowski, Z.

Cytogenetic and molecular genotyping in the allotetraploid Festuca pratensis × Lolium perenne hybrids Journal Article

In: BMC Genomics, vol. 20, no. 1, 2019, ISSN: 14712164, (4).

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Gajewska, P.; Janiak, A.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Kędziorski, P.; Szarejko, I.

Forward genetics approach reveals a mutation in bhlh transcription factor-encoding gene as the best candidate for the root hairless phenotype in barley Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 9, 2018, ISSN: 1664462X, (5).

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Gudyś, K.; Guzy-Wróbelska, J.; Janiak, A.; Dziurka, M. A.; Ostrowska, A.; Hura, K.; Jurczyk, B.; Żmuda, K.; Grzybkowska, D.; Śróbka, J.; Urban, W.; Biesaga-Kościelniak, J.; Filek, M.; Kościelniak, J.; Mikołajczak, K.; Ogrodowicz, P.; Krystkowiak, K.; Kuczyńska, A.; Krajewski, P.; Szarejko, I.

Prioritization of candidate genes in qtl regions for physiological and biochemical traits underlying drought response in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 9, 2018, ISSN: 1664462X, (22).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Janiak, A.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Sowa, M.; Gajek, K.; Żmuda, K.; Kościelniak, J.; Szarejko, I.

No time to waste: Transcriptome study reveals that drought tolerance in barley may be attributed to stressed-like expression patterns that exist before the occurrence of stress Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 8, 2018, ISSN: 1664462X, (35).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Robertson-Albertyn, S.; Terrazas, R. A.; Balbirnie, K.; Blank, M.; Janiak, A.; Szarejko, I.; Chmielewska, B.; Karcz, J.; Morris, J.; Hedley, P. E.; George, T. S.; Bulgarelli, D.

Root hair mutations displace the barley rhizosphere microbiota Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 8, 2017, ISSN: 1664462X, (47).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Augustyniak, M.; Płachetka-Bożek, A.; Kafel, A.; Babczyńska, A.; Tarnawska, M.; Janiak, A.; Loba, A.; Dziewięcka, M.; Karpeta-Kaczmarek, J.; Zawisza-Raszka, A.

Phenotypic plasticity, epigenetic or genetic modifications in relation to the duration of Cd-exposure within a microevolution time range in the beet armyworm Journal Article

In: PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 12, 2016, ISSN: 19326203, (23).

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Bzdęga, K.; Janiak, A.; Ksiązczyk, T.; Lewandowska, A.; Gancarek, M.; Sliwinska, E.; Tokarska-Guzik, B.

A survey of genetic variation and genome evolution within the invasive Fallopia complex Journal Article

In: PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 8, 2016, ISSN: 19326203, (12).

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Janiak, A.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Szarejko, I.

Gene expression regulation in roots under drought Journal Article

In: Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1003-1014, 2016, ISSN: 00220957, (93).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kwaśniewski, M.; Daszkowska-Golec, A.; Janiak, A.; Chwiałkowska, K.; Nowakowska, U.; Sablok, G.; Szarejko, I.

Transcriptome analysis reveals the role of the root hairs as environmental sensors to maintain plant functions under water-deficiency conditions Journal Article

In: Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1079-1094, 2016, ISSN: 00220957, (50).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Janiak, A.; Galej, K.; Parusel, J. B.; Szarejko, I.

A study of the genetic variation of the aquatic fern Marsilea quadrifolia L. preserved in botanical collections in Poland and originated from natural populations in Europe Journal Article

In: Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, vol. 209, no. 11, pp. 655-665, 2014, ISSN: 03672530, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Chmielewska, B.; Janiak, A.; Karcz, J.; Guzy-Wróbelska, J.; Forster, B. P.; Nawrot, M.; Rusek, A.; Smyda, P.; Kędziorski, P.; Maluszynski, M.; Szarejko, I.

Morphological, genetic and molecular characteristics of barley root hair mutants Journal Article

In: Journal of Applied Genetics, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 433-447, 2014, ISSN: 12341983, (14).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Hoffmann, B. R.; Wagner, J. R.; Prisco, A. R.; Janiak, A.; Greene, A. S.

Vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling in bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells exposed to hypoxic stress Journal Article

In: Physiological Genomics, vol. 45, no. 21, pp. 1021-1034, 2013, ISSN: 10948341, (26).

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Janiak, A.; Piórko, S.; Matros, A.; Mock, H. P.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Chwiałkowska, K.; Chmielewska, B.; Szarejko, I.

A comparative analysis of proteins that accumulate during the initial stage of root hair development in barley root hair mutants and their parent varieties Journal Article

In: Journal of Applied Genetics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 363-376, 2012, ISSN: 12341983, (17).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bzdęga, K.; Janiak, A.; Tarłowska, S.; Kurowska, M. M.; Tokarska-Guzik, B.; Szarejko, I.

Unexpected genetic diversity of Fallopia japonica from Central Europe revealed after AFLP analysis Journal Article

In: Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, vol. 207, no. 9, pp. 636-645, 2012, ISSN: 03672530, (18).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Kwaśniewski, M.; Janiak, A.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Szarejko, I.

Global analysis of the root hair morphogenesis transcriptome reveals new candidate genes involved in root hair formation in barley Journal Article

In: Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 167, no. 13, pp. 1076-1083, 2010, ISSN: 01761617, (33).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Janiak, A.; Kim, M. Y.; Van, K.; Lee, S. H.

Application of degenerate oligonucleotide primed PCR (DOP-PCR) for SNP discovery in soybean Journal Article

In: Euphytica, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 249-256, 2008, ISSN: 00142336, (2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Filek, M.; Keskinen, R.; Hartikainen, H.; Szarejko, I.; Janiak, A.; Miszalski, Z.; Golda, A.

The protective role of selenium in rape seedlings subjected to cadmium stress Journal Article

In: Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 165, no. 8, pp. 833-844, 2008, ISSN: 01761617, (212).

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Janiak, A.; Szarejko, I.

Molecular mapping of genes involved in root hair formation in barley Journal Article

In: Euphytica, vol. 157, no. 1-2, pp. 95-111, 2007, ISSN: 00142336, (7).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Filek, M.; Janiak, A.; Szarejko, I.; Grabczyńska, J.; Macháčková, I.; Krekule, J.

Does DNA methylation pattern mark generative development in winter rape? Journal Article

In: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences, vol. 61, no. 5-6, pp. 387-396, 2006, ISSN: 09395075, (6).

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